How to Step Out of Routine to Find Yourself

How to step out of routine to find yourself.png

The 24 hr Challenge to be YOU again

I want to share with you something that is usually hidden from outsiders. Maybe you can identify with it.

Imagine it's early in the morning. Besides drinking your first morning glass of water you have not done anything else other than making sure your children are fed breakfast, have a nutritious lunch and made it safely (and somewhat timely) to school.

You close the front door as you wave goodbye only to have this heavy feeling of a long to-do list weighing like a semi on your chest. Where to start? What to do first?

You walk into your kitchen but can't eat a thing.

You feel in every ounce of your body that you need a break.

You decide to sit outside for just a few minutes to contemplate today's course of events and enjoy the early morning sun. You can get started in just a little while. After all, it's only 7:30 am.

Now an hour and a half of DOING NOTHING (= sitting outside) have passed and you are frustrated; angry at yourself... 

Why do I always waste my time?

Lazy bitch.

You never will get anywhere.


The little voice inside is growing louder as you start to get into action. What's the matter with you? You slept eight hours. Why can't you be more productive?

You feel bone tired. Passionless. You nag yourself to GSD (get "stuff" done) but rather want to just be...

I was in a funk like this. Deep down I knew I was GSD but it felt so empty. It felt like filling the bath tub only to have forgotten to close the drain. I am a mother, a wife, a business owner, an entrepreneur for crying out loud! When was the last time I didn't GSD?

Then it dawned on me...when was the last time I allowed myself to JUST BE. Be me without the "should do this" and "could do that". Without guilt, shame and constant nagging. Honestly, it's been a long time since I fully enjoyed a day without feeling guilty of not doing more, better or different.

I allowed myself a 24 hour period of just being me.

With the loving encouragement of a coach/friend to the tune of "what would you tell a client" I agreed to spend 24 hours by doing only what I wanted to do or was an absolute emergency that needed my immediate attention.

It was hard. 

At first I didn't know what I really felt like doing. I just stood there. Then I canceled a few appointments and closed the door to the laundry room. Now what? Come on girl, go from your brain to your heart. You can figure this out.

I wanted to read so badly. Reading for pleasure. Feeling the sun on my skin and listening to the birds. Cook with my daughter just for fun without feeling I had to make dinner. Going on team calls because I love spending time with my peeps. Talking to some of my favorite clients because I want to. Going to bed when I feel like it not because I am finally finished and exhausted. Starting my day meditating before turning on my computer. Writing this post because I want you to know it's ok to take a break and because I love to connect with you. I choose to!

My 24 hour hiatus is over. 

Guess what? I got as much done as I would have hen pecking myself into faster action. AND...I loved being present and deliberate in what I chose to do. I remembered why I chose to be a mom. I remembered why I chose to leave a corporate job to be an entrepreneur. I remembered why I chose to be a health and transformational coach. I remembered to BE ME instead of a fine tuned machine.

When was the last time you allowed yourself to JUST BE and CHOOSE?

Let me know if you take on the 24 hour challenge and what you noticed. Please - no guilt, should haves or the likes allowed. 

