Finding the Authentic Version of Yourself - A Photoshoot Experience in Maine

Being in my body, feeling free and happy without worry and obligations is something that I left behind somewhere along the way to adulthood. I felt the heavy burden of making a living, raising kids, and supporting others without remembering what it feels like to be free; even for a short period of time. Maybe you can relate?

I found myself folded in half… shut down. Burned out.

It didn’t happen overnight. It was a long process to get me into that closed-off, fetal position.

And… the unfolding didn’t happen overnight either.

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Is Purslane Edible?

Purslane is considered a green, leafy vegetable with small, green leaves and reddish stems. It has a slightly sour taste and reminds me a bit of watercress.

It is a small, succulent-looking plant that you can find almost anywhere around the world. It thrives in poor conditions as well as richer soil and can often be found sprouting in cracks in the sidewalk, on the side of the road in a sunny location, or randomly in your garden where you least expect it.

Benefits of eating purslane

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5 Key Strategies to Know When Growing a More Sustainable Business

When it came time to uplevel, scale, and reach more people, I was bombarded with variations of a growth formula that felt rigid and limiting. The focus shifted to profits, systems, ease of operation, and predefined programs which was not in line with my mission. In the quest to grow and avoid entrepreneurial burnout, it is easy to get sidetracked and forget why we started the business in the first place. My fundamental values and mission to be of service were being threatened.

I found that to stay successful, it was paramount to integrate proven growth strategies with the value that our customers are seeking and the broader mission we set for ourselves when we started our business in the first place. This is called Conscious or Sustainable Capitalism.

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Avoiding Entrepreneurial Burnout: 5 Tips to Structure Your Day for Success

The constant push to finish all the items on my never ending to-do list has come with a price - exhaustion, burnout and health challenges. I venture to say that if you are reading this post, you may be all too familiar with this scenario. Keep working, working, working until you hit a wall and crash!

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Are Tower Gardens Worth the Investment?

Have you, like me, thought about finally growing your own produce? Especially in times of uncertainty, we need to know that we have access to healthy, nutritious and flavorful produce all year long. My answer to this burning question came in the form of a Tower Garden. They were first introduced at Epcot Center and have now found their way into homes, schools, restaurants, hospitals, airports and sports complexes. 

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3 Tips for Better Time Management 

I once believed that proper planning and time management would free me from stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Big fat lie - It doesn’t! It didn’t matter what version of planner I bought. Chunking my time into bite sized pieces didn’t remove the pressure either. And, the more I tried to manage my time the more overwhelmed I became…

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LifestyleLauren Taylar