Finding the Authentic Version of Yourself - A Photoshoot Experience in Maine

Being my fun and authentic self in nature

Being my fun and authentic self in nature


Being in my body, feeling free and happy without worry and obligations is something that I left behind somewhere along the way to adulthood. I felt the heavy burden of making a living, raising kids, and supporting others without remembering what it feels like to be free; even for a short period of time.  Maybe you can relate?

I found myself folded in half… shut down. Burned out.

It didn’t happen overnight. It was a long process to get me into that closed-off, fetal position.

And… the unfolding didn’t happen overnight either.

I found myself the MOST UNFOLDED I’ve felt, during the photoshoot I manifested for myself and my business in Maine last month.

I’m not sure if you know this about me or not, but I truly LOVE Maine. It makes me feel at home and I can really be myself there. Amongst the salt air and pine tree forests, my soul is at home. Crossing the Piscataqua River Bridge and seeing the state of Maine welcome sign brings tears of joy to my eyes and my body starts to relax.

I exhale! My body exhales!

I mapped out two amazing AirBnB’s for the week to capture all the different elements I wanted to express with this shoot: an organic, not-for-profit farm in Brunswick and a historic apartment in Yarmouth.

I knew the farm stay would be magical when we (myself and my photographer hubby) were greeted by a blue heron sitting in the middle of the driveway as we arrived. All pressure and worry about the upcoming photoshoot melted away when I saw the magnificent flowers, colorful butterflies, fun-loving hummingbirds, and glorious vegetables. I felt like I entered heaven on earth.

Barefoot. Free. Happy. Sunkissed. Dancing. Laughing.

Being one with my surroundings. 

Being one with nature. 

Being called to come back to my center and to shine from the inside out.

Being 8 years old again!

Picking flowers for our dinner table.

Having people there to support me, nourish me, and cheer me on.

I am …

Unfolding. Unfolding. Unfolding.

It felt so good standing tall surrounded by sunflowers

It felt so good standing tall surrounded by sunflowers


While the photoshoot was technically work, it was effortless, flowing, and fun. It was far removed from the hustle and grind we associate with work.

As I think back, my body remembers what it was like to be in the moment.

It relaxed. I allowed my most authentic self to be seen. Nothing was forced. Nothing was willed. The magic simply unfolded. It’s amazing what happens when you let go.

Letting go has not been something that comes easy to me. It takes a lot of inner work to allow ease, fun, and flow to enter my life. But it’s worth it! Because, on this trip, I experienced firsthand how letting go of attachments and expectations can leave so much room for magic and synchronicity. 

  • Finding the right locations to shoot that best bring my project to life.

  • A chance encounter and being invited into my dream house (literally the exact one I have saved on my phone from a house-hunting search) by the current owner/builder “out of the blue” to show me how he is renovating it. And...he is doing it exactly how I envisioned it being renovated. Please note - we never spoke or met before. He didn’t know I even existed and had this house on my radar.

  • Finding a local farm-to-table chef to prepare food for us and the photoshoot by following my gut instinct (and an online post). If you are ever in Yarmouth, Maine, stop by and say hello to chef John Peelen at Maggie Mae’s where “Good Food Matters”.

  • Taking a frigid, moonlit dip into the ocean to let go of all that doesn’t serve us and heal what’s holding us back. This in itself was a miracle because if you know me you know I don’t like the cold!

And so many more miraculous “coincidences” popped up along the journey. You can’t make this up and you sure can’t plan for it.

It has been a long journey to finally allow myself to trust my intuition and inner voice, say NO to the hustle, guilt, and shame, and follow the quiet voice that knows more than my logical brain can imagine. It has opened doors and brought opportunities that I could not have imagined or planned for. 

This unfolding has given me space to breathe and flow!

If you are curious to see what old programming is keeping you in the hustle and burnout mode, I invite you to download my free “Connecting the Dots of your Burnout Story” workbook. 

I see so many others being stuck in the hustle culture mentality, just like I was, and it is extremely hard to break free without help. This workbook/guide will shine a light on the moments in your life that programmed your subconscious to keep you stuck in believing that you have to do all you can to feel worthy, loved, and enough.

Once you understand what makes you fall prey to the hustle and grind, you will be able to free yourself from its fangs without sacrificing all that you have worked for.

You deserve to feel unfolded and free, too! We all do.

What would you say is the biggest “belief” that keeps you folded in half and shut down? Would you like to get underneath it so you can unfold yourself and open up to the magic of a happier and healthier life?

I can’t wait to help you unfold and connect the dots. Once you’ve spent some time in the workbook, write back and tell me what you’ve discovered. If you’re feeling stuck, no worries. I have a session for that. Click HERE to learn more.

PS: Here are a few more shots from the different locations. I can’t wait to share more with you as we go along.

Waltraud with red dahlia.jpg
windswept in pink dress.jpg
reading in bed.jpg
fun with goats v2 (1).jpg

Waltraud has years of experience in helping others achieve their life, business, and health goals. She hosts a variety of online workshops and events throughout the year addressing health challenges, sabotaging beliefs and habits, and ways to break free from stress and burnout. Her greatest joy is in guiding you to bring more magic, fun, and purpose back into your life.

Click here to learn more about her offerings or to schedule a chat with Waltraud.